1. Ensemble Perception
S. Hochstein, M. Pavlovskaya, Y. S. Bonneh and N. Soroker.
Global statistics are not neglected.
Journal of Vision 15: 7 (2015) LINK
M. Pavlovskaya, N. Soroker, Y. S. Bonneh & S. Hochstein.
Computing an average when part of the population is not perceived.
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 27: 1397-1411 (2015) LINK
N. Khayat & S. Hochstein
Perceiving set mean and range: Automaticity and precision.
Journal of Vision 18(9):23, 1–14 (2018) DOWNLOAD
S. Hochstein, M.Pavlovskaya, Y. Bonneh & N. Soroker
Comparing set summary statistics and outlier pop out in vision.
Journal of Vision 18(13):12, 1-13 (2018) LINK | DOWNLOAD
N. Khayat & S. Hochstein
Relating Categorization to Set Summary Statistics Perception.
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 81(2019) DOWNLOAD
S. Hochstein
The gist of Anne Treisman’s revolution.
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 81(2019) DOWNLOAD
S. Hochstein, M.Pavlovskaya
Perceptual learning of ensemble and outlier perception
Journal of Vision: 20(8), 13, 1-17 (2020) LINK | DOWNLOAD
N. Khayat & S. Fusi & S. Hochstein
Perceiving ensemble statistics of novel image sets
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics: 83: 3, 1-17 (2021) LINK | DOWNLOAD
D. Whitney & J. A. Solomon & S. Hochstein
Introduction to the special issue on ensemble perception
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics: 83: 3, 1-6 (2021) LINK | DOWNLOAD
S. Abassi Abu Rukab, N. Khayat & S. Hochstein.
High-level visual search in children with autism.
Journal of Vision. 22(9): 6, 1-17 (2022) LINK
J. E. Corbett, I. Utochkin & S. Hochstein.
The Pervasiveness of Ensemble Perception: Not Just Your Average Review.
Elements in Perception, pp 1-96, Cambridge University Press (2023) DOWNLOAD
N. Khayat, M. Ahissar & S. Hochstein.
Perceptual history biases in serial ensemble representation.
Journal of Vision, 23(3): 7. (2023) LINK
N. Khayat, M. Pavlovskaya & S. Hochstein.
Comparing Explicit and Implicit Ensemble Perception.
Attention, Perception & Psychophysics. Submitted (2023)
2. Eyes Wide Shut Illusion
S. Hochstein
The Eyes Wide Shut Illusion.
Perception 47(9), 985–990 (2018) DOWNLOAD
For the fuller unpublished version DOWNLOAD
3. Reverse Hierarchy Theory:
S. Hochstein & M. Ahissar.
View from the top: hierarchies and reverse hierarchies in the visual system. Neuron. 36: 791-804 (2002) LINK
M. Ahissar & S. Hochstein.
- Attentional control of early perceptual learning.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 90: 5718-22 (1993) LINK
- Task difficulty and visual hierarchy: Reverse Hierarchies in sensory processing and perceptual learning. Nature 387: 401-406 (1997) LINK
- The reverse hierarchy theory of visual perceptual learning.
Trends in Cognitive Science. 8: 457-64 (2004) LINK
M. Ahissar, M. Nahum, I. Nelken, S. Hochstein.
Reverse hierarchies and sensory learning.
Philosophical Transactions Royal Society London B Biological Sciences
364: 285-99 (2009) LINK
4. Face Detection
O. Hershler & S. Hochstein.
- At first sight: a high-level pop out effect for faces.
Vision Research 45:1707-24 (2005) LINK
- The importance of being expert: top-down attentional control in visual search with photographs. Attention, Perception and Psychophysics 71: 1478-1486. (2009) LINK
5. Primate serial order perception and familiarity memory
T. Orlov, V. Yakovlev, S. Hochstein and E. Zohary.
Macaque monkeys categorize images by their ordinal number.
Nature 404: 77-80 (2000) LINK
T. Orlov, D. J. Amit, V. Yakovlev, E. Zohary & S. Hochstein.
Memory of ordinal number categories in macaque monkeys.
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 18: 399-417 (2006) DOWNLOAD
V. Yakovlev, D. J. Amit, S. Romani & S. Hochstein.
Universal memory mechanism for familiarity recognition and identification.
Journal of Neuroscience 28: 239-48 (2008) LINK
V. Yakovlev, Y. Amit and S. Hochstein
It's hard to forget: resetting memory in delay-match-to-multiple-image tasks.
Frontiers Human Neuroscience 7: 765 (2013) LINK
Y. Amit, V. Yakovlev & S. Hochstein.
Modeling behavior in different delay match to sample tasks in one simple network.
Frontiers Human Neuroscience 7: 408 (2013) LINK
6. Cross-modal attention control
K. Haroush, S. Hochstein & L. Deouell.
Momentary fluctuations in allocation of attention: Cross-modal effects of visual task load on Auditory Discrimination.
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 22: 1440-51 (2010) LINK
K. Haroush, L.Y. Deouell & S. Hochstein.
Hearing while blinking: multisensory attentional blink revisited.
Journal of Neuroscience 31: 922-7 (2011) LINK
7. Perception and Neglect, TBI, and Balint’s Syndrome
M. Pavlovskaya, H. Ring, Z. Groswasser, O. Keren & S. Hochstein.
Visual Search in peripheral vision: Learning effects and set-size dependence.
Spatial Vision 14: 151-173 (2001)
M. Pavlovskaya, H. Ring, Z. Groswasser & S. Hochstein.
Searching with Unilateral Neglect.
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 14: 745-756 (2002) LINK
M. Pavlovskaya, Z. Groswasser, O. Keren, E. Mordvinov and S. Hochstein.
Hemispheric visual attentional imbalance in patients with traumatic brain injury.
Brain and Cognition 64: 21-29 (2006) LINK
M. Pavlovskaya S. Hochstein, O. Keren, E. Mordvinov and Z. Groswasser. Methylphenidate effect on hemispheric attentional imbalance in patients with traumatic brain injury: a psychophysical study.
Brain Injury. 21: 489-497 (2007) LINK
M. Pavlovskaya and S. Hochstein.
Perceptual learning transfer between hemispheres and tasks for easy and hard feature search conditions.
Journal of Vision 11: 1, 8 (2011) LINK
8. Categorization:
O. Rosenthal, S Fusi & S Hochstein.
Forming classes by stimulus frequency: Behavior & theory.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 98: 4265-4270 (2001) LINK
R. Hammer, A. Bar-Hillel, T. Hertz, D. Weinshall, S. Hochstein.
Comparison processes in category learning: from theory to behavior.
Brain Research 1225: 102-18 (2008) LINK
R. Hammer, G. Diesendruck, D. Weinshall, S. Hochstein.
The development of category learning strategies: what makes the difference?
Cognition 112: 105-119 (2009) LINK
R. Hammer, A. Brechman, F. Ohl, D. Weinshall, S. Hochstein.
Differential category learning processes: The neural basis of comparison-based learning and induction.
NeuroImage 52 699-709 (2010) LINK
9. Visual Information Processing:
R. Shapley and S. Hochstein.
Visual spatial summation in two classes of geniculate cells.
Nature 256: 411-413 (1975) LINK
10. Photoreception and transduction:
P. Hillman, S. Hochstein and B. Minke.
A visual pigment with two physiologically active stable states.
Science 175: 1486-1488 (1972) LINK
S. Hochstein, B. Minke and P. Hillman.
Antagonistic components of the late receptor potential in the barnacle photoreceptor arising from different stages of the pigment process.
Journal of General Physiology 62: 105-128 (1973) LINK